Use our quality prep guides and predictor exams to help you pass.
We offer two useful tools to help prepare to write the CPNRE: The Prep Guide and Predictor Test. The Prep Guide is a comprehensive study tool that will help prepare candidates to write the CPNRE. The Predictor Test is a tool to help assess a candidate’s readiness to write the CPNRE.
The purpose of the exam is to protect the public by ensuring that the entry-level practical nurse possesses the competencies required to practise safely and effectively.
The CPNRE® Prep Guide was developed to assist candidates in preparing to take the CPNRE®. You can benefit from the Prep Guide whether you have several months or only a couple of weeks to prepare for the examination.
The questions on this predictor test have been used on previous administrations of the CPNRE®. The predictor test reflects the current CPNRE® Blueprint used to create the CPNRE® exam
Contact the regulatory authority in your province or territory to obtain information on the CPNRE.
This web site is designed to provide Canadian Practical Nurse Registration Examination (CPNRE) candidates, regulators, educators, employers and those interested in exploring a career as a practical nurse in Canada with important information about the CPNRE. To learn more about this exam, please consult the Canadian Practical Nurse Registration Examination Blueprint. For information on candidate eligibility, registration or licensure, employment and educational opportunities, please contact your provincial/territorial Regulatory Authority.
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